Friday, March 14, 2008

What is the priority???

Scarlett Keening, a 15-year-old girl, was sexually assaulted and murdered in Goa. And of course media is going crazy over it. They have enough masala coming their way what with coverups and counter coverups over who did it and who didn't.

But of course this isn't enough. They have to get personal. British media is talking about what an irresponsible mother Fiona has been. That she didn't bring up the children well. They've put the pictures of Scarlett is skimpy clothes and her room that's very untidy to prove this. Sometime back I saw a report on one of the Indian channels saying it was irresponsibility of the mother that led to the murder of this kid.

The guy(s) who drugged the kid, assaulted her and left her to die isn't in the picture anywhere. The fact that Goa which thrives on tourism is becoming unsafe for tourists is not in question. But Fiona's lifestyle is. Whether she let her daughter wear swimsuits or brought her up in a dirty single room...she just lost her little girl while she was on a holiday. How can you justify murder? And that too media?

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